SilverTech Squad

“SilverTech gives me an opportunity to share my tech skills and help others.”

Twice per month, after school on early-release Mondays, high school student volunteers head to the BI Senior Center (at Waterfront Park) to support senior citizens in learning how to use and get the most from their technology devices. Join the BYS tech squad and serve your community in a meaningful way!

Silver Tech Squad members work at the Senior Center for about one hour, from 2:15-3:15, and receive 2 hours of community service each time they participate. Students may join once, every now and then, or on a regular basis.

To volunteer as a Silver Tech Squad participant, please fill out the form below, stop by BYS or call 206-842-9675.

As a Silver Tech Squad participant, students will be responsible for providing their own transportation to the Senior Center. BYS may be able to connect participants with others heading to the Senior Center so they can go together.

If you have questions, please email us at

Sign me up for Tech Squad

SilverTech Squad

I am generally available on Mondays(Required)
I am occasionally available on Mondays(Required)