AskBYS Conversations

A few times a year, BYS offers informal, interactive conversations between a speaker, moderator, and guests around a particular youth-focused topic. The goal is to engage with the community and provide a safe place to ask questions, learn from each other, and support one another. We believe our community is more successful when they are informed, and know where to find resources and support. Everyone benefits when community is healthy.

During the event, the AskBYS speaker will give an overview of the topic and answer questions from the guests, and share their professional knowledge and advice. This will often lead to open discussions with the group.

AskBYS Topic Options:

Ask the Therapist: Hear from BYS therapists who have a pulse on what local youth are feeling and experiencing.

Ask the Community: Hear from local community members that work with youth. This might include a school principal or a member of the BIPD.

Ask the Youth: Guests will be given access to members of the BYS Youth Advisory Board who will answer questions regarding what teens are feeling and experiencing.

Ask the Doctor: Hear from local family or pediatric physicians who understand that physical and mental health often go hand in hand.


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