Service Club

BYS Service Club aims to help you connect with your peers and foster community engagement through fun, impactful acts of service.

It is open to all high school students who are interested in serving their peers and community. 

About Service Club

Are you looking for opportunities to serve your community? Join BYS Service Club!

Service Club meets Mondays right after school at BYS, either on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, depending on what projects we are working on.

Ideally, by signing up for Service Club you are committing to the club for the entire school year. However, we understand many of you have sports and other activities. Please talk to the group facilitator if you are only able to commit to the club for one semester. 

First meeting of the 2024-2025 school year: September 23, after school @ BYS


Brittany Wisner:

Sign Up Below:


Service Club Sign Up